Researched, created and maintained by Michael Sandes, Sandes Ancestry publishes genealogical information about the Sandes family that originated in North Kerry in Ireland at the time of the Cromwell invasion and that exists throughout the World today.
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Every family-member has their own page which includes links to other family-members directly related to them and to places and events that have featured in their lives. Most of the facts are supported by reference notes.
Who is listed here?
I have tried to include all family-members that are descendants of William Sandes and his wife Elizabeth Fernley who went to Ireland at about 1650 (610 people). Although much information is available about the ancestors of William Sandes going back to the 13th century around Carlisle, Cumbria, these people are not listed, yet. In addition only family members that were born with the name Sandes and their wives or husbands are listed, otherwise the numbers of family-members would become huge and unmanageable.
Privacy Issues
The pages of family-members who are still alive are not visible to site visitors that are not logged in. Only authenticated users who are logged in can see these pages. Please read the Privacy policy page.
Your contribution
Please email me - I would be delighted to hear from you . . .
- If you are a member of the family (i.e. born with the name Sandes or married to someone born with the name Sandes) and cannot find your name here.
- If you can add some information about a Sandes family-member that may or may not be listed here.
- If you have spotted any errors on this website.