Reference: Adrian Sandes - Chapter 1 Annex A, Part 2, Page 7-02

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Monday, 4 May, 2020

Henry (0504) of Glenfield, or Glynfield, Co Kerry, was a Volunteer in the Militia and Yeomanry of Co Kerry, in 1783. On 22 April 1785 he married Alicia, daughter of Arthur Browne, of Ventry, Co Kerry, and Alice Hurly of Glenduffe. Henry and Alicia had twelve children. It would seem likely that they began married life at his father’s home, Moyvane, as their first two children were born there in 1786 and 1788. Then they probably moved to Listowel as their fourth to eighth children were born there between 1791 and 1798. From 1799 to 1805 it may be assumed that they lived at Glenfield where their remaining children were born. Henry died at Limerick on 6 October 1808.
From records in the Town Library at Listowel it seems that Glenfield was a farm known previously, and again nowadays, as Glannalappa, about 21⁄2 miles north-east by east of Newtown Sandes. There is now an isolated farmhouse on a hill of infertile land and a peat bog known as Sandes Bog. Near the house are heaps of stones from former dwellings, and some distance away beside a river are the remains of an old castle, built by the O’Connors of Carrigafoyle. Glannalappa means a megalithic tomb.
None of Henry’s children are known to have lived at Glenfield as adults, but other Sandes are said to have settled at Glannalappa about 1870, after eviction from Ahalanna, which lies between Newtown Sandes and Ballylongford. Some of their children went to America, but three brothers, Stephen, Ned and Tom, lived there with their niece Bridget, an illegitimate daughter of their sister Margaret. When they died she stayed on under pitiful conditions and very isolated until she too died some years ago, leaving the farm to Michael Fitzgerald, possibly a relative. He in turn sold it to another relative for her son Michael O’Sullivan, a widower who lives there with his small children.

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Death   6 October 1808